What is the effect of FIBA-ZORB PLUS on the characteristics of the potting soil?
A frequently asked question of the grower is: “Will my potting soil not be too wet, after adding FIBA-ZORB PLUS, and lower the air filled porosity (AFP), especially in the winter months when there is less evaporation and growth of the plant?”.
FIBA-ZORB PLUS is an excellent wetting agent because it will ensure that not too much water is retained by the potting soil and in this sense the wetting agent is controlling the moisture level and slightly increases the AFP during the more dormant growing months when less moisture is required by the plant.
The RHP did the following research in 2010.
This graph shows the percentage of water decrease against the pressure heights in cm. This is called the “pF-curve”.
The pf-curve shows the water holding capacity of the substrate.
The percentage water in the pores is shown in the different heights of the substrate.
This graph clearly shows that the potting soil will not be any wetter after adding
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