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Is it possible to wash out
FIBA-ZORB PLUS during the cultivation?

We have proved that FIBA-ZORB PLUS has a good longevity, due to its very slow, but EC compliant, bio-degradability. Nevertheless it is important to know if it stays in the growing medium after irrigation.

Usually potting soils and substrates are over drained on purpose or maybe just because the cultivation is outdoors and the rainfall can wash out the fertilizers etc.

In order to ascertain if FIBA-ZORB PLUS will be stable in the substrate, research was carried out by the Fachhochschule Weihenstephan Horticulture Research Establishment in Germany, to determine if the FIBA-ZORB PLUS could be leached out easily.

In this research trial there were 3 cycles and for each cycle the substrate was
overdosed with 4 times the normal water volume as shown in series 2 (orange), then they were both dried back to normal moisture content and then finally, the normal amount of water was added.


You can see from the above graph that after the second and third rinsing, the uptake of water was still very comparable to the control shown in blue (standard irrigation).

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